Reporting to Your Financial Institution
+ Free Board Portal

Your financial institution wants to support the community. This is why your board receives free access to Unioo's board portal sponsored to you. The portal is a smart digital tool that consolidates board activities in one place. It helps you manage meetings, minutes, documents, tasks, and much more. See below what you will get:

Simplified Bank Reporting

The requirements for financial institutions are increasing, and when it comes to associations, it's no exception. Anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism laws require financial institutions to 'know their customers.' In collaboration with your bank, we have simplified the reporting process.

Members & Subscriptions

Automatic membership fee processing – without expensive payment agreements and lengthy terms and conditions. Membership fees are automatically paid out to the association. Get a complete overview of members and their fees.

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Events & Ticket Sales

Create events with ticket sales. Scan tickets at the entrance with a smartphone and receive ticket revenues automatically. Easy for the participant, cost-effective for the association.

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Efficient Management of Meetings

Easily convene board members for meetings and keep track of attendance. Receive automatic notifications and reminders. Board members can effortlessly access the agenda, allowing them to prepare for meetings. Create meeting templates for recurring similar meetings.

Advanced Agenda

The agenda is automatically sent to the meeting participants. Assign items on the agenda to specific attendees, ensuring they come well-prepared. Add more substance to an item by attaching files or text.

Effective Minutes

The minutes can be written during the meeting or afterwards. When the meeting ends, the minutes are automatically sent out and saved in the system. Assign tasks based on an agenda item to maintain efficiency even after the meeting.

File Sharing

Upload files or documents to the media library, keeping all the files of the association in one place. Files are linked to where they're mentioned or used, such as in meetings or tasks. From now on, the files belong to the board and not individual members. This automates the handover process from the old to the new board.

Task Management

Create and assign tasks within the board. Set deadlines and receive reminders to ensure tasks are completed on time. Attach files, descriptions, etc., for clarity. Easily check off tasks once they are completed.