Automatic Subscription
– For All Sizes of Associations

Imagine if the membership fees came in automatically. Then the treasurer would be relieved of the time-consuming task of collection and bring many more funds into the association's coffers.

Card Payments

Automatic card deduction, ensuring the member pays on time. The member automatically receives notification before and after the deduction.

No Expensive Payment Solutions

Unioo collects the membership fees and disburses the funds to you. You avoid expensive payment solutions in exchange for a small administrative fee to the member.

Overview of Members

Gain a clear member overview, enabling you to view all data on members. Each member has their own login and can view their membership fees.

Member Management for Small Associations

Membership management and automatic fee collection are usually associated with high costs for expensive IT and payment systems. With Unioo, the only costs are standard card fees and a small administrative fee.

Create Subscriptions

It's easy to set up membership fees in Unioo and then enroll members. Members can also attach themselves to a fee plan. In the portal, you can see who and how many are on each fee plan.

How much is it?

Using Unioo's payment solution is almost free. A small administrative fee (from 3,70 DKK to 9,70 DKK) is charged to the member. Additionally, there is a small card fee for the card provider, which is paid by the association.

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Member Login

The member receives their own login to a page where they can view their payments and the membership fees they are associated with. All data is consolidated and GDPR-secured in accordance with the latest legislation and guidelines.

Automatic Subscriptions +
Board Portal

Create the association's members and let the membership fees run automatically. The board's work can now be consolidated in the board portal – meetings, agendas, tasks, files, and much more.

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